Building Planning & Zoning Telephone954-602-3200 The Building, Planning, and Zoning Department reviews land development applications, promotes environmental sustainability, and facilitates neighborhood revitalization through home rehabilitation / ownership programs and business incentives.
City Clerk Telephone(954) 602-3011 Email The Office of the City Clerk is the official keeper of records. It maintains an accurate record of the official actions of the City Commission and City Boards, such as official minutes, contracts, ordinances and resolutions pertaining to the City.
Customer Service Telephone954-602-HELP (4357) Email WELCOME TO THE CITY OF MIRAMAR CUSTOMER SERVICE Our goal is to provide excellent customer service to Miramar residents, businesses and visitors.
Engineering Services Our mission is to implement and support administration of infrastructure, City owned facilities, interdepartmental capital improvements and public/private development, through technology and sound engineering principles; and provide a high level of sustainable customer service to the residents and businesses established in the City of Miramar.
Financial Services TelephoneAdministration: 954-602-3232 Alternate PhoneBusiness Tax Phone: 954-602-3040 Email Finance is responsible for the coordination of all financial activities of the city by acting as liaison to the public, and to administrative and department officials.
Fire Rescue EmergencyDial 9-1-1 Non-Emergency954-602-4802 The Fire Rescue department is dedicated to a culture of safety, courage, compassion and charity while selflessly serving our community.
Human Resources Telephone954-602-3836 Human Resources formulates sound policy and provides direction and counsel to departments to ensure compliance with applicable labor laws and collective bargaining agreements.
Information Technology Telephone954-602-3100 IT addresses the common needs for information services from all City departments.
Management & Budget Telephone954-602-3258 Email The Management and Budget Department plans, prepares and monitors the City’s annual operating and 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budgets. This Department also provides information to Miramar residents on budget issues and taxes.